Friday, February 26, 2016

Speed Challenge Quiz

1. What I like about his landscape images
          1. The balance of the images, reflections
          2. Each image had good lighting
          3. They each portray a real part of nature, and were well planned out.

1. I like the vibrant colors of my image.
2. I think my shot is amazing because it has cool concept with the tree "in" the sky and the point of view of the image. 
3. I used a few color adjustments on photoshop such as changing the vibrance, hue/saturation and color mixer. 
4. I liked the challenge because in order to get a nice shot at school you really have to look around and think out of the box. 
5. One element of art that is used would be color or value, one principle of design would be contrast. 

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Macro Lens Abstracted Images

Image 1
 Image 1-filtered

Image 2
Image 2-filtered
Image 3
Image 3-filtered

1. My favorite image is image 3 because of the vibrant color and balance of the flower.
2. The image with the best use of the elements of art is image 2 (line, value, color, texture).
3. My favorite image(3) includes balance, pattern, harmony and emphasis. 
4. My favorite image and filter combination is also image 3 because I like how it is somewhat abstracted but you can still tell what it is and it looks as if it was painted. 

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Exploring Landscapes 2

 Image 1
 Image 2
Image 3

1. For image 3 I used rule of thirds and emphasized the sky more by placing the horizon lower than the center.
2. I used emphasis, proportion and movement by capturing the road.
3. The image was taken around 3 in the afternoon, I think it was a good time to shoot because although the sky was a bit cloudy there was still some sun behind the clouds that brightened the sky just a little. 
4. I used the foreground/background relationship by capturing the road and the proportion of the road from foreground to background. 

Burned Edges

Channel Mixer

Desaturation Method

Gradient Map

Lab Color Method

1. I think that the Gradient Map method turned out the best because of the large value range.
2. I think that each image has a pretty large value range, least being the Lab Color Method and the best being Channel Mixer and Gradient Map methods. 

Friday, February 5, 2016

Macro Lens


1. It was very interesting to see how much detail the lens could capture, at first it was hard figuring out how close you had to get to the object. 
2. My favorite picture is the first one of the flower because it is really pretty and cool to see the center of the flower so detailed. 
3. Image 2 shows the best use of the rule of thirds.