Monday, March 28, 2016

Green Screen

Original Green Screen  

End Product (Composite) 

1. The most difficult part of the project was making the lighting look right when taking the photos with the green screen.
2. I like how it is an unrealistic situation but it looks real.
3. I think that I could make the lighting of the two photos more similar to make it look more realistic.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Surreal Photography

1. I used the brush tool the most in photoshop.
2. I think the best part of the composition is the proportions, but they could be better.  
3. It was kind of difficult to combine multiple layers because of the different lightings and colors of the images. 
4. I could have blended them better and probably adjusted more to make it look more realistic. 

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Landscape in a Bottle

1. I learned how to blend images together, how a clipping mask works and how to use some of the adjustment layers better like levels and hue/saturation.
2. My final file has 33 layers.
3. I liked this assignment because it was really interesting to see how these images that are used for advertising are created and how many steps it takes to make it.